Thirty and Over Recreational Soccer Organization (TORSO) is an adult coed soccer league located in the Houston, Texas area. TORSO strives to create a positive and competitive soccer experience for adult players over 30 years of age. Our co-ed team structure provides a great opportunity for men and women to compete as individuals, couples, or a family.
Founded in the early 1980s, TORSO is the largest coed soccer league in the United States. TORSO currently has teams competing in multiple competitive divisions across the greater Houston and Harris County area.
TORSO has over 50 teams playing in 4 divisions. There are players with all levels of experience, from former pro players to beginners just learning the game. Looking to play at a competitive level with women and men? Prefer a relaxed group to just get some exercise? Want a team that’s social and fun on the field and off? Come join us! We play Sunday afternoons at parks all over Houston.
Because we still love the game.
Player Registration
Any person, aged 30 years or older, may sign up for the TORSO Free Agent List. You must be 30 years old by the end of the season to register.
Once you have completed the application, you will be submitted to the list of open players.