South Bay Volleyball is a professional beach volleyball training academy dedicated to developing sand and indoor volleyball athletes of all levels ranging from beginners to professionals as well as coaches. Since 1997, we primarily train on the beautiful beaches of Manhattan Beach in Southern California. Our staff is carefully chosen, meticulously trained and takes tremendous pride in the development of our athletes. We offer level and skill specific beach volleyball classes year round. We also offer private training, semi private lessons, tournaments and special event clinics around the country. To be a little different, we wanted to use the photos, videos, our athlete success stories and testimonials below to help tell our story. Ultimately, we absolutely love what we do and our athletes feel it. We feel their struggles and celebrate their successes.
The three greatest compliments we receive are one, having our athletes return year after year, two, referring us to their friends and family and three, watching them succeed above and beyond what they ever thought they could. Check out what some of our athletes have accomplished and mentioned about us.
South Bay Volleyball classes are the absolute best way to bring your game to the next level. Whether you are a professional, looking to earn your CBVA rating, brand new to the sport, new to the area or just looking to make new friends here in Southern California, we’ve got you covered. With over 20 years of experience, we are as passionate and driven today as when we first started.