Looking for an adult volleyball league near you? Well, you’re in luck because the Adults Play Sports directory has the most robust compilation of adult volleyball leagues in North America all in one place in our searchable directory. This will save you not only time but also effort.
But before you go check it out, here’s a quick lowdown on how it works and what you should consider when searching for a volleyball league to join.
How To Use The Adults Play Sports Directory To Find An Adult
Volleyball League Near You
I’m a lifelong athlete. Throughout my adult life, I’ve used all methods to find sports leagues–from Craigslist to Meetup to web searches to simply asking around. It can be a bit daunting.
To make it easier, I came up with the idea to create a directory where all the leagues are on one platform–and only for adults. Woo hoo! So far, there are almost 250 listings for adult volleyball in North America–and growing.
Search By Location
Use the map to find listings near you, or enter your location in the search bar. Hit the magnifying glass to work some magic, and you’ll see all the adult volleyball leagues near you pop up.
In the filters, you can drill down even further to find your perfect match.
Search By Gender, Skill, And Other Features
Whether you prefer sand/beach, hard court, or grass volleyball, we’ve got you covered.
You may want to find a men’s volleyball league near you that plays at highly competitive levels. Or maybe a chill league is what you’re after, and you don’t care if it’s co-ed or single-gender. Get updates and exclusive special offers. No spam–just valuable content. join the aps squad
Maybe you’re part of the LGBTQ+ community, and you’d feel most comfortable in an LGBTQ+ adult volleyball league.
Whatever you’re looking for in an adult volleyball league, the place with the most options is the APS directory.
A Few Key Points About The Sports Directory
The directory listings are only as good as the information the leagues provide on their websites. Since that’s where the APS directory sources its information, some listings might have less detail than others.
I’m working with leagues to encourage them to edit their directory listings to be as descriptive as possible for players like you searching for adult volleyball leagues and their specifics.
If they’ve listed their format (2v2, 3v3, 4v4, 6v6), we include it in our description.
If you happen to play in an adult sports league and it’s in the directory, leave a review. You’ll help out your fellow adult athletes who trust the opinion of people like you.
As a thank you for leaving a review, you can drop your email to win $100 toward your league fees. There’s a new winner each month.
Things To Consider In An Adult Volleyball League
Now that you know how to easily find an adult volleyball league in your area, you’ll probably want to take a few other things into consideration in your quest for the perfect fit.
Cost of the League
League fees can vary greatly, so be sure to ask how much a season costs and what your fees cover. There are some leagues where you simply pay each time you want to play instead of paying for the season upfront.
Competition and Skill Levels of the League

You’ll want to find an adult volleyball league that suits your skill level. It’s no fun being a complete newbie trying to keep up with ultra-skilled and competitive players. Plus, your chance of injury will greatly increase.
On the flip side, if you’re a former D1 volleyball player and want to keep playing after graduation, you probably won’t enjoy playing on a team with a bunch of rookies.
The good thing is there are plenty of adult volleyball leagues with various skill divisions suitable to most playing styles. Some organizations even offer special skills camps and clinics for new players.
Age Divisions
Regardless of what stage of adulthood you’re in, it’s fantastic that you still want to play volleyball. And you should. It’s a great workout, and also has a fantastic social component built right in.
However, as you age, your body eventually slows down, and it’s harder to keep up with 20-year-old dynamos when you’re a pushing 50 dynamo.
If you’re getting past the prime of your twenties, there are many volleyball leagues that offer divisions for older players.
If you’re in your late 30s but still keeping up with the twentysomethings, by all means, keep playing in the open division if that’s what makes you happy. But if you’re struggling to keep up but still want to play, look into the higher age divisions.
Remember that the older age divisions might implement slightly different rules to minimize the increased risk for injury (especially since it takes longer to recover from injuries as you get older).
But don’t ever let your age be a deterrent from playing volleyball well into your later years. There are volleyball leagues with men and women playing in their well into their senior citizen years!
Game Locations
Find out if the league you’re interested in plays at the same location each week or if you’ll switch it up. Then, determine how far you’re willing to travel for a game.
You’ll also need to decide if you prefer playing on indoor or outdoor volleyball courts–or if that even matters to you.
League Format
As mentioned earlier, there are multiple volleyball league formats, from 2v2 up to 8v8 for some leagues.
Find out the format of the leagues you’re researching. There are plenty of combinations out there, so you’ll need to consider which format best suits your playing style.
Volleyball practices are more common among leagues with younger players and with leagues that are more competitive. Be sure to ask a team you want to join if they practice and factor in whether the extra time commitment will work with your schedule.
If you can’t commit, it’s better to find an adult volleyball team or league with a more relaxed schedule.
Physical Fitness
The league you play volleyball in will determine how fit you need to be. Competitive volleyball games can require a lot of movements that require you to get low to the ground and bounce right back up, so make sure you have this capability. More recreational leagues are, of course, more relaxed in their intensity. That means you don’t need to be in prime physical shape to play.
You just got the lowdown. Now go find an adult volleyball league so you can play your heart out.