Our Mission
Assist and promote the growth of Pickleball as a game for all ages and to promote healthy, social and physical activity among pickleball players
Acquire and develop more pickleball facilities / places to play
Assist with skills improvement and develop the game among members and non-members
Organize clinics, tournaments, leagues and socials
Vision and Purpose
The Vancouver Pickleball Association is organized and operates exclusively on a non-profit basis.
The vision and purpose of the VPA is to provide a pickleball association with an environment where all players can play the game to the best of their ability.
The Association will facilitate the growth of pickleball in the Vancouver area for the enjoyment, health and social engagement of all players. The association’s main goal is to promote a friendly, safe and collegial environment that strives for excellence in all areas of pickleball including:
Introducing new players to the game;
Continuous development of pickleball skills from the beginner to the recreational and the advanced player; and
Offering organized recreational and competitive play; for the enjoyment, health and social engagement of all players.