Our most-common adult field hockey opportunities are pick-up games at indoor turfs around Nashville and Brentwood. We are a casual, everyone-is-welcome type of group, and love having new players. Get connected to the Whatsapp for up-to-date info.
What if I haven’t played in 15-20 years?
That’s ok! While many of our players are in their 20 and 30s, our regular adult players range from 16 – 65! Dust off those shinguards and come join us.
What if I’ve never played before?
That’s ok too! We’re excited to grow the sport in Nashville and excited to create space for anyone and everyone to join in. Our adult players will be happy to give you a crash course and help you jump in. Most of our adult playing is small-sided scrimmages, so it’ll likely be on-the-job training.
Can I try it out once, to see if I like it?
Definitely. We typically collect RSVPs per session, so just let us know when you can join and we’ll look forward to seeing you there.
Are there any competitive opportunities?
Yes. NFHC sent a full adult team to the Columbus Cup in spring 2019 and we have plans to participate in regional tournaments as soon as sports opportunities open back up.